Humans have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years with a deeply ingrained survival instinct. This primal drive is evident in our everyday lives and becomes particularly pronounced when we are faced with life-threatening situations. My experiences in hospitals and hospice facilities have often left me with mixed feelings. I have witnessed individuals clinging to life with a tenacity stemming from sheer will and stubbornness. It raises the question: to what extent do we project our innate, unwavering drive to stay alive onto others? This leads me to the concept of Death with Dignity, as a choice, but only for some individuals and in some states.
Death with Dignity, also known as Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS), is a topic that has sparked intense debate in the United States. It refers to the practice of allowing terminally ill patients to voluntarily end their lives through the use of lethal medications prescribed by a physician. Several states have enacted laws to permit this practice under specific circumstances. In this article, we will explore the states that support Death with Dignity and delve into the compelling arguments for and against this controversial issue.