Travel as a Caregiver

Traveling with a loved one who requires care presents unique challenges that demand meticulous planning and preparation. Here’s a detailed guide to consider when organizing such a trip, especially if it involves international destinations.

Crafting the Narrative: Explaining an international journey to a loved one in need of assisted living or memory care requires a tailored approach. The narrative should be shaped by the individual’s cognitive condition and emotional stability. If reasoning capabilities are diminished, the explanation for the trip should be as reassuring and straightforward as possible. The story may vary, but it should always prioritize the comfort and understanding of your loved one.

Medical Preparations: Consulting with a physician is paramount. You’ll need to discuss the trip and obtain any necessary prescriptions to manage anxiety or agitation during travel. Ensure you have a sufficient supply of regular medications, and secure permission for early refills to last the trip’s duration. A doctor’s letter prescribing assisted living or memory care can serve as official documentation of your caregiving role.

Packing Essentials: Use a nested rolling suitcase system for efficient packing and return travel. Pack clothing appropriate for the destination’s climate and leave valuable jewelry at home. Include sentimental items like photographs to help maintain a sense of familiarity. Prepare a carry-on with essentials for the journey, including a change of clothes for emergencies.

Safety Measures: Safety is a primary concern. Carry any sedatives or anti-anxiety medications prescribed by your doctor for emergency use if your loved one becomes distressed. Consider a wearable ID for your loved one with contact information and a brief note explaining their condition. Discreet cards explaining your loved one’s condition and your role can facilitate assistance from others without causing a scene.

Documentation for Facility Admission: Organize a folder with all necessary documents for seamless admission into a care facility. This should include medical records, current prescriptions, a doctor’s letter, and passports.

Seeking and Accepting Assistance: Be open to seeking help during your travels. Whether it’s assistance with bathroom visits or navigating the airport, don’t hesitate to ask for support. Use family restrooms where available to provide assistance privately and comfortably.

Travel Itinerary Planning: Segment the journey into manageable parts. Consider traveling overnight or during off-peak hours to avoid busy airports, which can be less stressful for both you and your loved one. If evening hours are challenging due to conditions like sundowning, an early morning departure might be best. Staying at an airport hotel the night before can ease the stress of early travel and often includes long-term parking and shuttle services. In Mexico, arrange for a private shuttle to the care facility and book a nearby hotel to allow for rest and acclimation before admission.

Each step in this guide is designed to ensure the journey is as comfortable and stress-free as possible, safeguarding the well-being of both you and your loved one. With careful planning, the trip can be a transition toward a new chapter of care and support.

Download the Expatriate Guide for Senior Living in Mexico – For your convenience, the entire 50-page guide is available for download as a PDF. Additionally, give us a call at  +1.888.406.7990 or email us  at We would love to hear from you.

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