Explosive Medical Tourism Growth for Mexico

Explosive Medical Tourism Growth for Mexico

Perhaps you have heard about the explosive growth of medical tourism for Mexico. With escalating healthcare costs in the US and the rise of medical tourism destinations that offer quality and affordable healthcare, Americans are scurrying to book appointments with healthcare providers far away from home. This notion of medical tourism has even further appeal through the prospect of having beautiful travel experience as well. 

Each year, millions of patients travel to countries that provide highly-specialized medical care either because their healthcare infrastructure is less advanced in a particular area of medical care or because the expense is unacceptably high. This has led to an explosive medical tourism growth for Mexico.

Meaningful Activities for Dementia Sufferers

Meaningful Activities

Assembling a List

As a caregiver at home or in a facility (such as adult daycare or long-term care), you need a list of meaningful activities for those individuals in your care that are suffering with dementia. This will add meaning to their day and help to keep their minds and bodies healthy. Some of these activities will also provide you with a break. You can easily develop a pretty extensive and effective collection of activities that would ideally fall into the following categories:

  • Productivity
  • Leisure
  • Self-Care
  • Restoration and Relaxation

Is Senior Care in Mexico an Option?

Cielito Lindo Resident Room

Open To Exploring Options

If you are reading this article, then you must be open to at least exploring the possibility that senior care in Mexico might offer a viable solution in contrast to what you have been finding in the US. So let’s begin by characterizing what is commonly found in the US. Then let’s try to put aside whatever misinformation or prejudices you may have been fed about Mexico. Lastly, we will go into greater detail on the reasons that senior care in Mexico might be a better solution, at least for some.

Bringing Your Car Into Mexico

Bringing Your Car Into Mexico

How Can I Get Enough Information?

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to bring your car to Mexico, but much of it is incomplete, poorly organized, or out-dated. This article intends to bring together a comprehensive and up-to-date body of information related to bringing your US car into Mexico. It is the author’s hope that this article will satisfy most, if not all of your informational needs while preparing to bring your vehicle into Mexico.

Sleep Loss Is Bad For Your Health

Sleep Loss is Bad For Your Health

Do We Really Need Sleep?

There are many effects of a lack of sleep, such as feeling grumpy and not working at your best, are well known. But did you know that sleep loss is bad for your health?

One in three of us suffers from poor sleep, stress, too much time on computers and smartphones, and taking work home, all typically taking the blame. However, the cost of all those sleepless nights is more than just bad moods and a lack of focus. Regular poor sleep puts you at risk of serious medical conditions, including obesityheart diseasediabetes, and even Alzheimer’s – and it actually shortens your lifespan and healthspan.

International Health Insurance

Follow That Dream

Making Your Plans

Many seniors dream of enjoying their retirement as an expatriate, immersing themselves in a new language, culture, and way of life. Living out your golden years in another country can be exciting, enriching, thrilling, and perhaps even a little nerve-wracking all at the same time. Health insurance for aging seniors is a critical necessity, and even more so perhaps, when travelling and living abroad, yet it can be difficult to understand, not to mention that getting the ideal solution is not easy; it takes a significant amount of research and planning to 0btain economical yet effective international health insurance.  Hopefully, this article will help you get this down more easily.. 

International Long Term Care Insurance

Into the Sunset

Into The Sunset

If you are anything like the rest of us, all through your younger years, your vision of retirement for you and your partner primarily consisted of carefree days and romantic sunsets at some tropical setting. While this is not entirely implausible, the realities of our brief visit on this planet soon set in and we realize that we might also want to have a plan.

That said, this article is primarily focused on the availability of Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance for Americans living in another country. We will also touch on why even have this insurance and eligibility factors.