Personal Effects and Supplies

Admitting a loved one to a care facility is a significant transition, both for them and for you as the caregiver. To ease this transition, personalizing their new space with familiar items is key to providing comfort and a sense of continuity.

Here is a video about our admission process: click here

Personalizing the New Space:

  • Familiar Keepsakes: Bring items that hold sentimental value or evoke positive memories, such as family photos, treasured artwork, or a beloved figurine. These items can serve as touchstones to their identity and history, offering reassurance in unfamiliar settings.

  • Comfort Items: Incorporate favorite pillows, a cherished bedspread, or a cozy throw to create a homely atmosphere. These comforts from home can help alleviate feelings of displacement.

  • Clothing: A practical selection of clothing should be brought along, considering ease of wear, comfort, and the new environment’s climate. Store additional clothing to rotate as needed for changing seasons or wear.

  • Room Setup: Many facilities offer flexibility in room decoration. You may be able to bring in furniture, lighting, and rugs to recreate a familiar setting, provided they don’t pose safety risks. Check with the facility about their policies to ensure compliance and discuss any potential concerns about theft or damage.

Ongoing Needs:

  • Replenishing Supplies: As the initial stock of clothes and supplies diminishes, plan for replenishing these items. This can be done through the facility’s services or personally by you, depending on preference and convenience.

  • Clothing Management: Label clothing and other personal items to prevent loss. Facilities may have communal laundry services, and labeled items are more likely to be returned to the correct resident. Consider the practicality and ease of laundering when choosing which clothes to bring.

  • Storage Solutions: Keep additional belongings organized and stored in a way that allows for easy access when it’s time to refresh or replace items in the facility. This could be in a storage unit, a designated space in your home, or an allocated area in the facility if available.

Communication with Facility Staff:

Maintain open communication with the facility staff regarding your loved one’s preferences and needs. Staff can be invaluable in helping you understand the nuances of care in the facility and how to best utilize the space and services available to ensure your loved one feels at home.

By thoughtfully curating the personal effects that accompany your loved one into a care facility, you can significantly reduce the anxiety associated with such a profound change in their living situation. These personal touches not only bring comfort but also reaffirm their individuality and dignity during this next phase of life.

Download the Expatriate Guide for Senior Living in Mexico – For your convenience, the entire 50-page guide is available for download as a PDF. Additionally, give us a call at  +1.888.406.7990 or email us  at We would love to hear from you.

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